
We usually hold our meetings in the Small Hall at All Saints Church Halls, Onslow Gardens, Sanderstead,  CR2 9AB.

They are on the last Wednesday of each month starting at 2.00 pm, usually excluding August and December.

We make a small charge to cover the cost of hiring the hall and providing tea and biscuits after the meeting.

The meetings can be on any historical subject and not limited to Sanderstead.  Most meetings are led by members of the group and are quite informal.  This enables members to give a talk on a subject of their choice.

Meetings in 2024

31st January: Informal members' meeting.   Tell us how you entertained yourself as a child.  Bring along any pictures to illustrate this.

28th February: Benjamin Beeson, Sanderstead's policeman and Crimean War hero, by Phil Swallow

27th March: Family History - the wider perspective - local and national connections, by Dee Palmer 

24th April: The illustrious owners of "Sanderstead Court", by Joyce Hoad 

29th May: Widow of Camberwell - an early nineteenth century character, by Brenda Hawkins

26th June: From village blacksmith's to The Holy Family - The story of the Old Forge at Sanderstead, by Lizzie Mould 

31st July: Hamsey Green Airfield and the Gardiner family connection to aviation and Yardley Lavender, by Phil Swallow

August: No meeting

25th September: South London Palaces - past and present, by Dee Palmer

30th October: A Look Back at Shirley and its Windmill, by Chris Harman

27th November: History Quiz - plus pre-Christmas nibbles

December: No meeting

Sanderstead Court